Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Use Adwords for Free? A Review of Get Google Ads Free by Dr. Jon Cohen
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
The most difficult thing about having a web business is getting traffic to your site. So many products out there hold the claim that they are an easy sell. That may be true but if you have no one to buy it, you're back to square one. And of course there's the internet buzz term out there: "the money is in the list." That, also, is very true. With a loyal list of targeted customers, you can promote your product to an already hungry audience that will most likely buy from you because you have earned their trust. But once again, if you have no traffic, you have no chance of getting leads that can grow your "list." Even if you have the best newsletter, the best free products and a killer website, without traffic, you do not exist.
Many gurus show ways of increasing your traffic through article marketing, social networking, blogging, search engine optimization and dozens of other techniques. While these are good strategies for long term traffic building, most get into an internet business because of the opportunity to make a profit quickly. Let's face it: most of us know that establishing anything worthwhile is going to take time. But the endless testimonials attached to products about how some "newbie" made five thousand dollars in their first month can transform even the most sensible being into an irrational fortune seeker. While many of the previously mentioned traffic generation techniques cost little to nothing to implement, they do take time. And it can be difficult to do the work necessary to build your business when it can take months before you have something to show for that work. So what else can a marketer do? They can buy advertising, of course!
As there are many free ways to increase your traffic, there are as many if not more ways to pay for traffic? So which is the easiest and most effective? In my opinion, that would be AdWords by Google. AdWords is probably the most comprehensive and user friendly advertising system that you will find. It has keyword generators, the ability to test and track ads and ways to further pinpoint your targeted market. The drawback? It's quite easy to lose your shirt advertising with AdWords. This causes many internet marketers to look elsewhere for advertising. But AdWords works, and by not utilizing this tool, many marketers are shooting themselves in the foot and are spending money of other types of paid advertising that doesn't deliver the same type of return on their investment as AdWords would.
Fortunately, I've found a system that allows you to take full advantage of AdWords like the "big boys" do, but without the risk. It's called Get Google Ads Free and is written by Dr. Jon Cohen. His program takes a technique routinely used by offline marketers and adapts it to online use in order to take advantage of the precise target marketing ability of AdWords. In his 124 page ebook, Dr. Cohen shows the reader how he came up with the idea, how to best integrate it into your current marketing efforts and how to best position your efforts so that you don't spend a dime out of pocket on your AdWords campaigns.
He also explains his method for generating mulitple income streams without having a product or service of your own. He compares the revenue your site could earn with his method as compared to AdSense. Dr. Cohen also gives links to other sites to get you started using his method, most of which are free to use. Also included are tips on how to pick the best keywords and ads (the information given in this section may surprise you) and a free service to get your free AdWords campaign started. The information is constantly being updated so not only do you have access to his free newsletter but access to updates and (my favorite) a "quick-start" guide.
The only drawback, in my opinion, is that while on the sales page it implies that a beginner could succeed with this program, it is helpful if you know the basics of uploading and creating web pages. But even this is covered, briefly, in the Get Google Ads Free program. there are links to website and web page tutorials and a free website creation tool Don't let the hype of the sales page blind you though; it is a great program that is concise and powerful.
Dr. Cohen's Get Google Ads Free solves the problem of getting targeted traffic to your site by putting together one of the most revolutionary advertising techniques that is on the internet today. So much time, energy and money is spent on advertising that could be spent on improving the quality of products and websites. But the Get Google Ads Free program levels the playing field for all internet marketers. More importantly, it takes the sting out of using AdWords. I believe this proven system will change the way advertising is done on the internet. The techniques included in this program has helped thousands realize their online business goals. Will you be next?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hello...Yes, This Blog is Still Alive
Distraction is a big killer of online entrepreneurs and I have not been immune to its effects. I write this to show you that you are not alone in wanting to give up or change direction in your online pursuits. But if I've learned anything at all in my short tenure as an online businessperson it has been that the people who focus on one project and stick with it are the ones who become successful. I won't bore you with my opinions as to how to achieve the right mindset; I believe I've said enough about that already. Having the right mindset is only part of the answer. You must be able to commit to your goals. Sure, your plans may change, but never lose sight of your goals.
I'd like to leave you with a favorite quote of mine:
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. the slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
-Calvin Coolidge
Friday, October 26, 2007
It Gets Hard Sometimes...
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
I've had a bit of a tumultuous week. Not really brought about by anything external though. I've been awfully hard on myself. I look back at my previous posts and see nothing but positive tidbits, filled with the hope that I can inspire others. But where can I go for inspiration?
I've been doing some thinking and asking myself some hard questions. Probably the biggest question is: who am I to try to do anything like this? It's almost as if I have run out of steam already. But that can't be the case! I've got so much further to go! I must go on. But like most of us, I want to see results like yesterday. It gets really hard to be in business online and remain patient when everyone is yelling about their new breakthrough product that promises thousands of dollars almost instantaneously. I wonder what I am doing wrong. Should I spend more money? Should I look to another system or program?
I know I don't have to do either of those things, and as a matter of fact, I would be shooting myself in the foot if I did. I am well aware of what jumping from program to program brings about. Absolutely nothing. I know from a rational, logical point of view that I am doing everything within my power to make this thing work and that patience will be the only thing that will bring everything together, but in my heart I want it all now.
Fighting a constant battle between your head and your heart is a very draining battle. I'm suffering some of the repercussions now. I am easily irritated both at work and at home. I am pushing the people away that mean the most to me and I want them to understand without fully telling them what's going on. If this seems like the ramblings of a person feeling sorry for himself, then you're probably right. I probably am trying to feel sorry for myself. But what I have to take from all this is that life goes on, regardless of how highly or badly I may think of myself. And sometimes we all have our down times, but as long as we don't wallow in the mire for too long, we should be okay.
As for me, well, I think I need some more time to mope.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My Site Is On Google!
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
I'm on the first page too...if you type in
I know, it isn't page one for keyword specific searches...yet. But it make me happy that it is just on Google's radar at all. I feel like I'm really making progress and all of the hours of work are starting to show some fruit. I have a way to go but now, it's starting to really sink in: I am in business!
I have some of my articles scattered in dozens of directories, getting those much needed "back links." I've also noticed that for everything I learn, I find out that theres that much more I need to learn. This can be a stumbling block for many people starting an internet business, because it can result in "analysis paralysis. " This horrible state is brought on by the sheer magnitude of the information out there about starting a home business coupled with the idea that you have to "get it right" the first time. But that is the beauty of running an online business. You can learn as you go.
I'm not in any position to quit my day job just yet, but I'm certain that when I am in that position, I will look back to this moment and realize that today was the moment that things started looking up!
E-mails, E-mails Everywhere
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
I never knew I was so popular.
Ever since I started my website I have been inundated with e-mails. Most of these are my fault; I directly or indirectly signed up for them. So there are very few in the spam folder. But such is the life of an internet businessperson, I guess.
With list building being such an important part of internet marketing, it's no surprise that I'm getting so much e-mail. Many "free" courses or e-books I've received have, as a rule, required my e-mail address in order for me to access the information. But of course, any solicitation I get from them is not spam (since I voluntarily gave my e-mail address). I am also considered a "target lead" so not only am I signed up for newsletters, but I get offers for other products and services, all vying for my attention and money. Every product or program leads to several other products and programs that (you guessed it) ask for my e-mail address.
To further exacerbate this problem, I have five e-mail addresses. Six if you count my support email from my website. It gets really difficult to keep tabs of everything. I complain about the amount of e-mails, but there's a lot of valuable information there. I might want to buy something or sign up for a new advertising program. So I don't want to miss any of them. So I decided to install Thunderbird by Mozilla and that has helped tremendously. Like Outlook, it gives me the ability to organize my e-mail accounts but without having to contribute to the Microsoft juggernaut. So now instead of drowning in e-mails I'm merely wading around.
If you have Firefox, you might want to try Thunderbird. I'm not familiar with all the nuts and bolts of the system yet, but so far I'm pleased. You can go here to download it.
And don't worry. They won't ask for your e-mail address!
Monday, October 22, 2007
"Fishing" For a Home Based Business
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
One of the things I had to deal with in my mind when deciding to start an online business about starting an online business was "isn't there too much competition in this market already?" I'm sure you may have asked this question as well. It seems that the smart thing to do would be to ignore the "home business" market altogether and look for something a little less competitive. But after talking to a few people, I realized that it wasn't my "niche" that I had to change. I had to change my idea of competition.
After signing up for the plug in profits opportunity, I addressed my concern to Stone Evans, creator of Plug in Profits. He told me that although home business is a very competitive niche, it is also a highly searched for term. So in other words, there's high supply, but also high demand.
Immediately I thought of a metaphor. I envisioned two lakes. One lake has a few fishers on its banks. There's plenty of room, but there are very few fish. Most of the anglers go home empty handed. But right down the road is another lake. The fish are so plentiful they are literally jumping out of the water. There's so many people fishing that there seems to be no room along the edges. There's even boats on the water. It looks very intimidating at first, but then you try your luck anyway. Much to your surprise, you catch a fish. You keep catching fish until you have all you can carry. It was difficult trying to edge your way in but after a while you realize you're catching fish, and so is everyone else. Wheat's even more amazing is that since there seems to be no lack of fish for everyone, all your fellow anglers are more than happy to share their techniques with you. You hand them a couple a fish, and they share some techniques that help you double your catch and sames you time as well.
I am sure I've milked that metaphor for all it was worth, but I think you get the idea. Yes, starting an online business about starting an online business is competitive. There are many people out there promoting the same programs and getting the same targeted visitors. But remember, there is a reason as to why it is such a popular area to get into. The demand is high. Don't let the sheer number of sites and "gurus" who say to get into something else intimidate you from getting into one of the most lucrative online business ventures out there. You might have to tackle it in a different way, or find your own special area of expertise but you really can't beat promoting home based business ideas as your business.
If you have your heart set on something else, by all means, do it! My choice to promote business opportunities came from the fact that I'm relatively new to internet marketing and I wanted to go into an area that was already proven to be successful, and where I could find plenty of support. My next venture, more than likely, will not be about promoting home business opportunities. But for my initial entrance into the world of internet marketing, I wanted to just "plug in" to something in which the research and testing had been done so I could learn the basic skills and gain some confidence in my ability to run a successful online business.
I don't see the competitive nature of the "home business" niche to be a detriment. I look a the competition as a challenge to myself. I ask myself how I can provide something of value, how can I stand out from the crowd in order to help others realize their dreams as well. There's plenty of opportunity for everyone. Not everyone(believe it or not) wants to make 100 grand a month. Not everyone wants to quit their job. Not everyone will promote their business the same way and not everyone will promote the same things. So take heart, carve our your niche(whatever it is and go for it. Because you'll never catch anything if you just sit there holding your pole!
Friday, October 19, 2007
it is not the critic...
Kelvin Wilson
This is a quote that I've been thinking about a lot lately. I've had some situations in my family in which my father isn't agreeing with the resourcefulness of my younger brother. I gave my brother this quote to give him a bit of inspiration and to let him know that he is on the right track. Read on...
It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.
-Theodore Roosevelt
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Blogs-What's the Big Deal Anyway?
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
Almost every article, program or guru that covers starting an online business usually say "start a blog" somewhere in their material. What is a blog anyway? Can it really help your business? And why does everyone seem to have one?
If you watch TV or go on the internet, you've no doubt heard about "blogs," "blogging," and "bloggers." The word blog is short for weblog. Weblogs can be anything from a person's online journal to a supplement to a website (like the one you are reading). Many news anchors and other journalists use blogs as a way to connect with their readers. It seems as if everyone from big celebrities to your next door neighbor have one. But are they really necessary for your online business?
I like to think of my blog as a personal extension of my website. On my website, you can find all kinds of information about ideas and programs designed to help you make money online. But it really doesn't say anything about me. You can't read on my website why I chose to promote work at home solutions or why I started an online business to begin with. But by reading my blog you can get to know me a bit better. I'm not some faceless guy in some basement somewhere putting up websites!
A blog allows its writers to express themselves a bit more openly than they would on their main website, if they are using it for a complement to their site. It is also a great place for promoting products because of the fact that many readers look to blogs to find new information. If a blogger already has a reader base, promoting products could be quite lucrative. It might even make more sense for them to promote their products or services on their blogs! And yes, there are people who do all of their online business from their blogs.
The versatility and accessibility of blogs have done a lot to increase their popularity. You can keep up with family and friends, share your views and opinions on topics, and even start your own business with one. I enjoy the fact that blogs are not only hi-tech, but "hi-touch" as well. Especially if you already have a website, adding a blog lends more credibility to your website. Because in most cases, it is much easier for your readers to give you feedback on your blog. And in addition to that, you can have other readers read that feedback as well, if you so choose. It can be as personal or professional as you want. The easiest way to start is through Blogger. From there you can change features, settings and even place AdSense ads for extra revenue. If you have the technical know how, you can also host your Blogger created blogs on your personal web space. Wordpress is another site where you can host your blog free of charge. It has more customization features for the technically gifted, which is why I don't know much about it! But at least give it a look. And the more I learn about blogging, the more comfortable I may feel with a platform like Wordpress.
Basically a blog is yet another amazing way for people to give themselves a voice on the internet. It can be used as a complement to an existing website, an informative alternative to a website, or a simple journal used to stay connected with others. So connect with the world! Blog away, my friends, blog away!
Why Am I Doing This?
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
I've been asking myself why I've been trying so hard to get my online business started. I don't hate my current job. Sure, I would like to make more money, but that's only a part of it. what is my main reason, my driving force? I've realized that my desire to build a successful web business comes from wanting to be an example to others.
I work at a credit union, and everyday I see people who just need a little help, get turned down for credit. Sure, I could shrug my shoulders and say, "well, it's their fault they can't manage their finances" and not give them a second thought. But that's not my nature. I never fully realized how many people struggle everyday just to survive. It's funny how we take our lives for granted. When we have our needs taken care of and don't really have any serious financial concerns, it's easy to look down at others who many not be so lucky. But really, who are we to judge?
Now that's not to say that we should just throw money to those less fortunate and call it a day. No, that does nothing for their self confidence or long term financial health. I'd rather "teach a man to fish" instead of just giving him something to eat. But of course to do that, I must have the knowledge to impart to others. I want to be a success not so I can have something to brag about, but so I can be in a situation in which I can help people achieve their goals. Because I really believe in the words of Marianne Williamson:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I truly believe that all a person needs to succeed is desire. That emotion, that desire, will lead to thought. And of course thought leads action. I promote several paths to action on my website I even offer a free mini course where you can get started. But this isn't an advertisement for my site. I don't mind if you find your path to success through me, or through someone else. It may be not even be about starting your own business. Just find your inspiration. My only wish is that regardless of your situation or desires, just let your light shine. Because you never know who might be in the dark and needing a bit of illumination!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Some Hope For The Hopeful
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
I just had to write about something I've noticed about many people. I've touched on this subject in a few of my articles before, but the more involved I get into building my web business the more I notice it. It is an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. It runs through our world like a disease. It leaves me thinking of things that I can personally do to reverse this trend of self victimization.
It saddens me to know that many people feel powerless in their daily lives. There's things many of us want to do but we have circumstances that we feel are beyond our control. We believe that these things hold us back from living the life we deserve. I believe any victim of circumstance is actually a victim of their own self limiting beliefs. We believe we are unqualified for a job so we don't even bother to apply. We believe we can't live in the house or location of our dreams, so we settle for what we think we can afford. We believe that we are undeserving of love and affection so we push anyone and everyone away who happens to draw close to us. We are constantly creating our own existence whether we are aware of it or not. Most of us are quite good at creating negative situations and negative occurrences in our lives. If only we could use our powers for the good!
Fortunately, we can. Just as we can draw negative situations into our lives, we can draw good ones just as easily. No one wants to have bad things happen to them, so why do so many reject any method or philosophy that focuses on personal power and positive thinking? It isn't an easy question to answer but I believe it boils down to conditioning.
Just think of what passes as good advice: "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." Or, "don't get your hopes up; you'll end up disappointed." And let's not forget "you need to be realistic." In our society, preparing for negative situations is considered to be a smart thing to do. But what happens when you put so much energy into what could go wrong? You wind up with no energy to put into what could be right! Dwelling upon negative circumstances also conditions us to just react, instead of actively creating. We become adept at reacting to negative situations(that we've created by putting so much energy into them) that our ability to create weakens to the point that we honestly believe that there are things beyond our control.
The truth of the mater is that there is nothing beyond our control but there are things we don't understand. I know the cynics who read this are quick to point out that we can't control things like death, natural disasters or other people. Let me quickly point out that controlling people is not something to be desired anyway. To have any kind of desire to control others shows a serious insecurity in yourself, and that is beyond the scope of this article. But as far as death and natural disasters go, perhaps it's a lack of understanding these events that prevent our control over them. And yes, the phrase "there is nothing beyond our control" is a very firm statement attempting to define a very elastic philosophy. Our language isn't perfect, but I try to express my view the best that I can.
I don't write articles like this for the cynical folks whose definition of reality is steeped in negativity. I speak to those brave souls who have not succumbed to the conditioning of the negative masses. I am here to encourage the individuals who look inward and can realize a power, a spark of something that they cannot quite define but know is real. I speak to those of you who expect the best, prepare for the best and whose reach exceeds their grasp. The faithful, powerful human beings who realize that their reality is theirs to create are my audience, and I make no apologies to the sarcastic, cynical masses that find my messages "too good to be true."
Because in my reality, "too good" is my truth.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Do It Yourself? A Quick Guide to "Building" Your Online Business
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
I know that there are many of you out there who are eager to start an online business but feel that you lack the technical skills necessary to set up and maintain a website. There's no real need to worry about that because as a web entrepreneur, you have options!
If you have absolutely no HTML or web design skills at all, you can outsource all your work. There are freelance writers available to generate content for your website and web designers who will gladly set up a customized web site for you for a fee. Everything that you need can be outsourced to someone who is willing to share their expertise with you.
Personally, I prefer to learn as I go. It's very fulfilling (and a lot cheaper) to make changes or additions to my website. There are many free sources out there to help you with every technical detail imaginable. And when you learn how to modify it yourself, you keep that skill. And that may turn into an additional source of income for you.
Deciding on which way to go is basically a question of how much time, money and patience you have. If you are the "hard charger" type with extra money to spend and are more interested in the administrative aspects of a web business, then you may want to outsource as much as you can afford. The downside to this method is that anytime you want to make changes to your site you have to pay for it again. Unless of course, you've made an agreement for free upgrading.
However, the "do it yourself" method is how most people start their online business. Thy stay in control of the whole process and eventually outsource when their traffic (and budget) increases. It takes a lot more time to get up and running this way, but if you have the patience for it and limited funds, this is definitely the way to go.
To aid in your online business efforts, I suggest reading Dotcomology. It is a great tool for starting your own home based online business. It gives suggestions for building an online business regardless of whether you have a little or a lot of money to invest. Download your free copy here. No matter which way you head, I wish you the very best luck in your journey to financial freedom through your very own online business.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Multitasking-How Much is Too Much?
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines “multitasking” as: the performance of multiple tasks at one time. But is this really necessary for optimal productivity? Is there a better solution?
The problem with multitasking, as it’s oftentimes described, is that most misunderstand how our brains work. The human mind is very much like a computer; we work more efficiently when our minds are focused on one task at a time. The more tasks we attempt to accomplish concurrently, the less productive we become. But we are still forced to survive in a world where we feel forced into handling more than one task at a time. But going back to the computer analogy, we can see that this is counterproductive.
I happen to work in an office and I experience firsthand what a “multitasking environment” does to people. It leaves employees feeling drained. When so much is place upon a person and phone calls, e-mails, and various other little “fires” are added to the list of distractions, productivity decreases and customer service is sacrificed. There always seems to be an unspoken competition of who can take on more work without complaining. And the ones that do complain are labeled as being lazy or incompetent. “They need to work on their multitasking skills” is the usual retort that is parroted by fellow employees and management.
So we’ve established the fact that humans are poor multitaskers. Wheat can be done, then, to survive in a world where a distracted work environment (a.k.a. a multitask oriented environment) is the norm? By listing tasks by priority. We might not be good at directing our attention several ways at once, but we are very good at doing one thing after the next. So instead of fighting against nature, work with it! The people who are seen as “master multitaskers” are actually adept at organizing tasks by order of importance.
When properly done, doing tasks in order of importance will increase productivity without sacrificing quality or customer service. The key is to remember what tasks are truly important and those which are just a distraction. Finding the balance between the two is what will increase your productivity. Because there will be necessary distractions (phone calls, etc) that will need to be taken care of as they happen. But by putting “first things first” you will be able to get back on track faster and be in a better position to improve your business or boost your productivity at your job.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Hocus Pocus! The Magic is Focus
Hocus Pocus! The Magic is Focus
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
We are part of a very busy society. Just look at any job ad. "Multitasking" is not merely a desirable extra in an employee; for many employers it's a prerequisite. Next day delivery, ATMs, microwave ovens and TiVO help us to speed up certain things in life so we can move on to the next task. There always seems to be something to do. Boredom seems like a relic from a time period long gone.
But while automation and faster service have improved many facets of our lives, some things just cannot be rushed. Things like building relationships, cooking a decent pot roast or establishing an online business. Yes, establishing an online business cannot be rushed! It seems strange that when building a business online, you really need to slow down, since everything about the internet seems to be centered on speed. One of the main things that turn people off of starting their own online business is distraction. People try to take what works for them in the "real world," rushing from one task to the next, and of course, expecting the results to happen just as quickly.
No one would expect a traditional business to turn a profit in the first few weeks. Most would consider it a success if the business were to break even in its first year. Even though a person who is starting an online business is free from the usual things that can stifle a traditional business, the same commitment, dedication and focus is necessary. Now, focus usually isn't included in the list of things a person should be aware of when starting an online business. But it will be the one aspect that will make or break your business efforts. But of course focusing is easier said than done. With so many conflicting views and thousands of business opportunities, just getting started can be the most difficult task of all.
First things first, pick an opportunity that you are interested in. It doesn't have to be something that you are really passionate about. Anything from a mild curiosity to a casual interest is fine. So many books and programs go into detail about promoting something that is already your hobby. I don't know about you, but there's not a big demand online for some of my hobbies (I've checked). So I decided to do something that I found interesting and is in demand.
Secondly, set a budget. This will help you focus on what is necessary for building your business and what would just be an impulse purchase. A good idea is to write down products or services that look interesting but not within your budget at the time. When more money starts coming in and you want to reinvest it in your business, you will already have a list of products to research that can possibly boost your income or free you up from mundane tasks associated with your business.
Thirdly, set aside a minimum amount of time each day to dedicate to your business. You might want to focus on marketing one day and writing articles for additional content the next. Setting a schedule and sticking to it will work wonders for your ability to focus and grow your business effectively.
Make sure to take time out for self development. This is something that many new online businesspeople fail to do (present company included). Keep up your exercise routine (if you have one), make sure you take time to pray, meditate; attend church or whatever you do to recharge your spirit. Remember to spend time with friends and family. Most people want to start a home based business so they can have more time to spend with their family and friends. So spend time with them now so they will still be around when you have more free time to spend with them! Remember, it's not just about money; it's about improving your quality of life.
Remembering to apply these simple steps will help you to lessen the frustration that will come when establishing your online business. Also, keep in mind that determination and focus can make up for what you may lack in expertise!
Success is just over the horizon. Can't see it? Well then, focus!
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Why All the Cynics? A Realistic Look at Home Businesses
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
Setting up and running your own online business is a very exciting thing for me to share. But unfortunately, I sound like a hopeless dreamer whenever the subject comes up with my friends and family. It's something that's bothered me for a while. I mean I've had failures when building my online business, so what's the big deal? Why are so many people disillusioned about starting their own online business? If you ask almost anyone, they will tell you that they are all scams. Even the ones that do not think online business opportunities are scams do not believe that regular people can make any kind of real money online.
But regular people are making money online. Lots of it. And what's more, the majority of people who have sustained their online incomes for years have done so by ethical and legal methods. Sure, there will always be those out there looking for a quick buck. And yes, they may be successful for a while. But thankfully, with most internet search engines and consumers demanding more and more quality, those people and their scams are exposed for what they really are.
Okay, that explains the scam artists, but don't you have to have some kind of technical skill on the computer in order to really be a successful web businessperson? In a word, no. Those who have a greater understanding of internet marketing and web design do have a certain advantage, but it is by no means an indicator of success. With outsourcing, automated systems and free tutorials, bridging the gap between internet novice and marketing expert has never been easier. Web pages can be set up and running by internet newbies within a day or two, autoresponders can be purchased for next to nothing, articles can be ghost written and blogs can be running in under an hour. If having massive computer knowledge was an indicator of success, then every IT professional would have a thriving internet business in his or her spare time.
So what is it that really disillusions the hopeful legions of aspiring individuals that want to establish their business online? Two things: hype and impatience. Everyday there are ads for this "easy system" or that "amazing product" Tales of "targeted customers flooding your website" are told over and over on hundreds of articles, sales pages and blogs. Buzz words like "viral marketing" spread through the internet just like a virus. It's really easy to get caught up in the never ending hype of internet marketing. This kind of aggressive marketing can have people believing that all it takes to succeed online is to buy the latest e-book by one of the dozens of internet "gurus" or plug into the newest and shiniest internet marketing program and sit back. After all, it's "so easy," right?
Impatience is what most budding internet marketers face after purchasing a system or product. They read all the testimonials about " 9 days I already earned $2,000!" or "this is the easiest product ever invented. I earned back what I paid for the product in 2 days!" These, like most testimonials, show what is possible, not what is typical. Honestly, would you buy a product with testimonials like, "well, it was hard work, but after two years of struggling, I’m finally making a decent part time income of $750 a month!" Doesn't give you the same warm fuzzies, does it? But of course that very well may be the case for some. Making a steady stream of income probably won't take people that long, but no one wants typical results. That's why the extraordinary results are used as testimonials. It gives people a bit of inspiration. That's all. Keep that in perspective.
So with all that said, do I believe that starting an internet business is really as easy as all those gurus say it is? Relatively speaking, yes, I do. An online business is much easier to start. There is very little overhead. You can get started with no employees. You can learn as you go without losing your shirt. And you can start turning a profit in a fraction of the time of a traditional business. So in that way, yes, starting an online business is easy. It still takes patience, follow through and a commitment to knowledge and self improvement, just like any other business. So take the hype and promises with a grain of salt, have some patience and above all else, commit yourself to your business. Usually the people who are doing something a little different are the ones who succeed. So if you pace yourself when others are sprinting, you will come out ahead in the online business world.
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The Law of Attraction and "Minding" Your Business
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
Is it any surprise that the most successful internet marketers, authors, philosophers, and entrepreneurs talk quite emphatically about the Law of Attraction? Personally, I don't think so. The basic definition of the law of attraction is "like attracts like." Another way to describe it would be to say "thoughts become things." Everything starts with a thought. Even if the law of attraction is too far out of your spiritual comfort zone, you have to admit that nothing comes about until someone initially thinks about it. For anything to be brought forth into your life you must first think about it.
It's amazing how many people go through life on auto pilot. They wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV and go to bed, only to repeat this sad scenario all over again the next day. There is no thought as to what they want out of life. Sure, there my be a fleeting thought of "this can't be all there is to life." But before any real change in awareness can bloom, the responsibilities of life choke out those thoughts and their dreary existence begins anew.
On the other hand there are those that think too much about what they do not want in their lives. They live a life of broken dreams, physical infirmity and debt because those are the things they put the most thought and the most feeling into. They dwell on these negative aspects of their lives and wonder why these aspects keep showing up. They blame society, their parents or whatever else when in actuality, their reality can be changed by a simple shift in awareness. They can regain control of their lives if only they are willing to take responsibility for it.
The Law of Attraction is nothing new to most people. It's just that most people aren't used to calling it that. It takes all of those lessons you learned in church about having faith and including not only your immortal soul into that equation, but your physical life as well. It isn't merely a "positive thinking" method, although that's a part of it. It isn't a "woo woo" mumbo jumbo far out theory either. Just like how the Law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but is transferred from one form to another, The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like." It's just a simple fact that "like" thoughts, actions and feelings attract more of the same. It is a holistic approach to getting the things out of life that you want more of and changing your thoughts and awareness in order to attract those things to you.
Okay, by now, you're probably wondering how this ties in with starting an online business. It should be obvious. Starting any endeavor takes thought. And if you can visualize being successful, you set yourself up for success. Make an effort to bring about positive visualization. It begins with being clear about what you want. Just as proper focus on tasks helps your business, proper focus on your thoughts helps bring your mental visualization into physical manifestation!
A good way to embrace the power of visualization is to write it down. I don't mean a simple list of your goals. What I mean is to write a story. Write about the type of lifestyle your online business will afford you. Just write a descriptive story about a typical day, living the life you want because of the success of your online business. Be specific, write about the things you do, the house you live in. Really take your time and think about how you will feel. Take it in, generate these feelings in your mind. And write the story in the present tense. It may feel a bit awkward at first, but when you think about the things you want in the present tense and start feeling the gratitude for being in that state now, it places you in the correct emotional state to bring your desires to fruition.
Just think about this: all you have to do is think about something you want, place the correct focus on it, feel good about having it now and it will come. Don't doubt and don't think it's an "easy answer" (because it's a lot easier said than done, trust me) and believe that you deserve to be happy. I know that there are many who immediately dismiss the Law of Attraction because they look at it as an easy answer, a cosmic "get rich quick" scheme. But it is really about happiness. It's all about adjusting your thoughts to attract good feelings and things that make you feel good.
In any endeavor, make an effort to adjust your thinking in order to achieve your goals. Call it what you want, faith, self confidence, blessings, etc. But the actions you take are the same. Ask, Believe, Receive!
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A Beginner's Guide to Finding the Right Online Business
Copyright © Kelvin Wilson
Finding a way to make money online is a dream for many. With rising prices and the uncertainty of programs such as Social Security, finding a second income stream is becoming less of an option and more of a necessity. Most everyone knows that the internet is a great way of earning extra income, but how? And how can a regular person with little or no computer skill set up their very own online empire?
When it comes to making money, most people will work more hours at their current job or find a second one. This usually does not have the desired result of financial freedom that most folks are searching for. So with the internet full of promises of easy money, many try their hand at an online job or business at least once. What usually happens is that a budding entrepreneur will buy an e book or sign up for a course gushing with promises of "thousands of dollars flowing into your Paypal account daily" or something to that effect. They excitedly start reading and soon end up disappointed. The advice that the self proclaimed guru is peddling is either filled with so many options and technical jargon that it immediately places the reader into "analysis paralysis," or suggests the reader find a "niche" based on their interests. The only problem with that is that most people who are searching for an online source of income are not interested in paying for hosting and spending money to promote a website on "making the perfect fly fishing cast" or whatever b.s. niche that's usually suggested as an example.
While building a website based on a person's unique knowledge can be a good source of income, most people need something a little less personalized, at least at first. To set up a person for success online, a system must be simple. It has to show them the money! It has to be simple enough to comprehend after the first day, but have enough information as to walk the person from newbie to entrepreneur. So many programs are focused on customization and unique content. That is important, don't get me wrong. but a person who is jsut starting out needs to see money coming in as soon as possible. This serves two purposes: the money is proof that the system works and that serves as a great confidence builder.
A good system should also show the member how to eventually wean themselves off of the program. There should be a point in time where the member has learned the ins and outs of the program and established themselves as a reputable source of information. By the time the member decides to venture off to establish their unique niche, they should be used to making money online, managing their subscriber list, and other tasks that running a profitable web business entails.
These suggestions should give the aspiring online marketer a place to start. In my opinion, the easiest and fastest way to establish a presence online is to join an established program. One should take the time, however to understand what will be expected of them and what is offered in the way of teaching and support. Starting an online business can be daunting, but the rewards are huge if one is willing to accept the challenge.